About User Profiles
182 PATROL DashBoard User Guide
Users displays all of the authorized user names. Expanding a user name displays the
domains that are assigned to that user. In Figure 101, three users exist:
■ su, the superuser
■ client, a Standard user
■ jcc, a Standard user
Reports stores a list of reports available to each user.
About User Profiles
Immediately after PATROL DashBoard is installed, a single user exists, a superuser,
with the user name of su and a password of su. This user has unrestricted access to the
product features and can
■ create, edit, and delete other users
■ access all of the domains
■ assign domains to other users and unassign them from other users
The superuser mode is the default mode. The superuser is the only user who can log
on and invoke any PATROL DashBoard feature or function until other users are
created. For more information about these initial actions, see Chapter 3, “Getting
Started.” After these initial actions, the superuser should restrict the superuser mode
to authorized people by defining the users and changing the logon ID and password
of the superuser account.
Also after installation, the following user profiles exist:
■ Standard: You can create, view, modify, and delete all network objects, but you
cannot create, modify, or delete users.
■ Client: You can view only routers and you can use only the Zoom function.
Your user profile specifies the types of objects (domains, servers, devices, interfaces,
indicators, and so forth) that you can view in PATROL DashBoard, the reports that
you can launch, and the actions that you can perform. The Standard profile is
assigned by default to each user at creation, but the superuser can explicitly assign to
a user the Client profile or a modification of either the Standard or Client profile.