About Discovery
78 PATROL DashBoard User Guide
To Create a New Domain Rediscovery Entry
1 Under Discoveries in the navigation tree, right-click Domain Rediscovery and
New Rediscovery.
The Domain Rediscovery Creation screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 23:
Figure 23 Domain Rediscovery Screen
2 In Label, enter a name for the rediscovery entry.
This name will be displayed in the navigation tree under
Domain Rediscovery.
3 In Domain(s) Selection, select the domain that you want to rediscover.
To select more than one domain, use
Ctrl or Shift.
4 (optional) If you want to run this rediscovery regularly, specify a schedule:
A Select the Scheduling check box.
B In Recurrence, select how often you want the rediscovery to be run:
Daily: run each day
Weekly on: run on the day of the week selected in the associated list box
Monthly on the: run once a month on the date selected in the associated list
box (31 always means the last day of the month)