Modifying the Characteristics of the Superuser Mode
Chapter 6 Managing Users 183
Modifying the Characteristics of the
Superuser Mode
When PATROL DashBoard is used for the first time, it is in the superuser mode. This
mode gives the user the right to configure all the product’s parameters. After the
initial startup, the superuser should modify the characteristics of the superuser mode
to restrict access to the product’s parameters and to the network data.
To Modify the Superuser Properties
1 In the User Management portion of the navigation tree, expand Users, and then
2 Choose Properties.
The Super User Properties screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 102:
Figure 102 Super User Properties Screen
3 In User Name, modify the superuser logon name.
The Standard profile can be modified, but it cannot be deleted. The Client profile can
be modified or deleted. Any new profile that you add can be modified or deleted.
If a profile is deleted, the users who were assigned that profile are reassigned the
Standard profile.
Do not forget the superuser name and password, because you cannot look it up on
your system. The superuser mode is the only mode in which PATROL DashBoard
can be configured.