ASCII Export of the Raw Network Data
246 PATROL DashBoard User Guide
ASCII Export of the Raw Network Data
With the raw ASCII export of data, the PATROL DashBoard software opens
connectivity to other applications. This report is automatically generated every night
and can be sent by e-mail daily or weekly. It consists of all the hourly data and
collection peaks of all the network indicators for each object over the last seven days.
It is in ASCII table format and can be integrated into any spreadsheet for future
To generate the ASCII report, click on the displayed report. To send the file,
ensure that reports and the correct e-mail address have been configured. Because this
file may be particularly large, it is zipped prior to being sent. To unzip this file, use
pkunzip program from http://www.pkware.com or Winzip version 7.
The format of the fields of the ASCII report is described in the report itself. The unit
used is in MB for the Volume In and Volume Out indicators. The Input Utilization,
Output Utilization, and Utilization tables contain values given as percentages.
This report also shows a Middle Term Trend (between the short and the long term
ones) based on a sample of data collected over 30 days (4 weeks).
Comparison Report
In addition to comparing indicators by using stacked graphs, you can use the
Comparison report. With this report, you can compare the indicators of
■ the device’s interfaces
■ the Frame-Relay DLCIs
■ the VPs of the ATM interfaces
■ the VCs of each VP
■ the CoSs
■ the protocols
You cannot remove devices from the ASCII trends report. All the devices are present
in this report.