Measurement Functions 3M™ Dynatel™ Advanced Modular System 965AMS
Tone>Edit The Frequency Of A Tone
4. Use the blue keys to enter
the frequency in kHz.
5. Press
The Tone function can be used for three applications: ID Tone,
Precision Tone and Wideband Tone.
Tone>Applications>ID Tone
1. Use the ID Tone for pair identication and tone coiling.
2. The ID tone is always an interrupted tone.
3. The frequency is adjustable between 200 Hz and 1,000 Hz.
4. The 965AMS tester automatically goes off-hook when an ID
tone is sent.
5. The volume control on the 965AMS tester controls the
volume you hear, but the output to the far end is set at a
xed level.