Chapter 3 Programming Your Universal Counter for Remote Operation
Status Reporting
3-32 Programming Guide
Note that this is the only bit in the Operation Status Register which is not
representing a condition. Therefore, the transition filters have no effect on
this bit.
The Counter does not monitor the condition indicating whether the last
measurement was in or out of limit. Hence, the In Limit Event bit does
NOT represent the transition from an “out of limit measurement” to “in
limit measurement.”
• Bits 11–15 are not used.
Questionable Data/Signal Status Register Group
The Questionable Data/Signal Status Register Group monitors
SCPI-defined conditions.
Table 3-8 lists the Questionable Data/Signal Status Register bits and briefly
describes each bit.
Table 3-8. Questionable Data/Signal Status Register
0 Not used
1 Not used
2 4
Time (Time Interval, Rise Time, Fall Time, Pulse Width,
Duty Cycle, and Period)
3 Not used
4 Not used
5 32 Frequency (only Frequency; not Frequency Ratio)
6 64 Phase
7 Not used
8 256 Calibration Error
9 Not used
10 1024 Out of Limit Event
11–13 Not used
14 16384 Command Warning
15 Not used since some controllers may have difficulty
reading a 16-bit unsigned integer. The value of this bit
shall always be 0.