Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-73
Descriptions of the Measurement Functions—<function> (Cont.)
:MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage]:TINTerval? [(@1),(@2)]
Measures Time Interval.
The first channel in the channel list is the start channel and the second is the stop
The trigger settings are coupled so that both channels 1 and 2 have
auto-trigger enabled at 50% with a positive slope.
The measurement arming is coupled to “auto” with no delay.
The input routing is coupled to separate inputs.
range: (@1), (@2)
default: (@1), (@2)
:CONFigure[:SCALar][:VOLTage]:TOTalize:CONTinuous [(@1)]
Configures the Counter for Totalize with “auto” arming.
The trigger settings are coupled so that the measurement channel has auto-trigger
disabled with a positive slope.
Use :ABORt to terminate the measurement before querying for the totalize result.
This function (continuous totalize, also known as automatically-armed totalize)
cannot be used with the :MEASure or :READ queries.
The :FETCh? query, without an explicit function specifier, will retrieve the result
if the measurement has been properly terminated with :ABORT.
range: (@1)
default: (@1)