Chapter 2 Command Summary
HP 53131A/132A Command Summary
2-22 Programming Guide
Table 2-1. IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
Mnemonic Command Name Function
*DDT <arbitrary block>
*DMC <string>,
<arbitrary block>
*EMC <NRf>
*ESE <NRf>
*GMC? <string>
Clear Status
Define Device Trigger Command
Define Macro Command
Enable Macro Command
Enable Macro Query
Standard Event Status Enable
Standard Event Status Enable
Event Status Register Query
Get Macro Contents Query
Identification Query
Learn Macro Query
Operation Complete
Operation Complete Query
Causes the Counter to perform an internal interpolator self-
calibration and returns a response that indicates whether or
not the instrument completed the self-calibration without
Clears Status data structures (Event Registers and Error
Defines either INIT, FETC?, READ?, or nothing to be
executed when the Counter receives a GET or *TRG
Assigns a sequence of zero or more commands/queries to a
macro label.
No query form.
Enables and disables expansion of macros.
Non-zero value enables; zero value disables.
Queries whether macros are enabled.
Sets the Standard Event Status Enable Register.
Queries the Standard Event Status Enable Register.
Queries the Standard Event Status Register.
Queries the current definition of a currently defined macro
Queries the Counter identification.
Queries the currently defined macro labels.
Causes Counter to set the operation complete bit in the
Standard Event Status Register when all pending
operations (see Note) are finished.
Places an ASCII “1” in the Output Queue when all
pending operations (see Note) are completed.
Note: Pending operations include measurements in progress.