Chapter 2 Command Summary
HP 53131A/132A Command Summary
2-24 Programming Guide
HP 53131A/132A SCPI Subsystem Commands
SCPI Subsystem commands include all measurement functions and some general
purpose functions. SCPI Subsystem Commands use a hierarchy relationship
between keywords that is indicated by a “:” (colon). For example, in the
SYST:ERR? query, the “:” between SYST and ERR? indicates ERR? is
subordinate to SYST.
Table 2-2 lists the SCPI Subsystem Commands in alphabetical order by the
command keyword. The table shows the Subsystem commands hierarchical
relationship, related parameters (if any), and any associated information and
Not all commands have a query form. Unless a command is specified as “No
Query” or “Query Only” in the “Comments” column of Table 2-2, it has both
a command and a query form. Any command in the table that is shown with a
“?” at the end,
is a “Query Only” command.
Std/New Column
The Std/New column in Table 2-2 gives the status of the command with respect to
the SCPI standard. The “Std” commands operate as defined in the SCPI standard
and as defined in this guide.
The category of “New” consists of commands that could be:
• SCPI approved but are not yet in the SCPI manual
• HP approved and submitted for SCPI approval.
• Not approved at all.
The “New” commands operate as defined in this guide.
Parameter Form Column
Refer to the section titled “Parameter Types” on page 3-11 in Chapter 3,
“Programming Your Universal Counter for Remote Operation,” for descriptions of
the different parameter types (such as <Boolean>, <NRf>, <arbitrary block>,