Chapter 4 Command Reference
:CALCulate2 Subsystem
4-14 Programming Guide
:CALCulate2:LIMit:DISPlay GRAPh | NUMBer
Sets or queries whether the measurement display is numeric or symbolic (on a
When :CALC2:LIM:DISP is NUMBer, the measurement results are displayed
numerically. When :CALC2:LIM:DISP is GRAPh,
the measurement results are displayed symbolically on a graph;
the measurement result is represented by an asterisk (*), while the upper and lower
limits are each represented by a colon (:).
A sequence of ASCII-encoded bytes: GRAP or NUMB
• This command updates the display mode immediately. The display update is
independent of :CALC2:IMM:AUTO state.
• See the section titled “How to Program the Counter to Display Results” in
Chapter 3 for programming examples.
Limit Modes
Queries the status of the last measurement that was limit tested .
• Single ASCII-encoded byte, 0 or 1.
• A value of zero indicates the last tested measurement passed the limit test. A
value of one indicates the last tested measurement failed.
• If no valid result exists, 0 is returned and error -230 is generated.
• Query only.
• If this command is issued when limit testing is enabled and while a
measurement is in progress, no response will be produced until the
measurement completes.
• This command holds off subsequent commands from being processed until a
measurement completes. This holdoff action can only be canceled by the
measurement completing, a device clear, or power cycle.
Query Response
Query Response