Chapter 3 Programming Your Universal Counter for Remote Operation
Elements of SCPI Commands
Programming Guide 3-91
To Make a Frequency Measurement (Turbo C)
/* This program sets up the counter to make 10 freqeuncy measurements
on channel 1, using a 0.1 second gate time.
The results are displayed on the computer CRT
The program comments discuss the meaning of each command.
ASCII result format is used to preserve resolution. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "CHPIB.H"
#include "CFUNC.H"
void sendhp(char *); /* function to send command to counter */
/* global data */
long ctr=703; /* Counter is at address 03. HP-IB is at select code 7
int error;
void main()
{ long isc=7; /* Select code 7 */
int state=1; /* Used in IOEOI */
int i; /* Used for loop counter */
int samples=10; /* Number of measurements to take */
int length=23; /* Max number of bytes per measurements */
char freq[23]; /* Array to hold frequency string */
IORESET(isc); /* Clear the HP-IB interface */
sendhp("*RST"); /* Reset the counter */
sendhp("*CLS"); /* Clear event registers and error queue */
sendhp("*SRE 0"); /* Clear service request enable register */
sendhp("*ESE 0"); /* Clear event status enable register */
sendhp(":STAT:PRES"); /* Preset enable registers and transition
filters for operation and questionable
status structures */
IOEOI(isc,state); /* Enable use of EOI */
sendhp(":FUNC 'FREQ 1'"); /* Measure frequency on channel 1
Note that the function must
be a quoted string. The actual
string sent to the counter is
'FREQ 1'. */
sendhp(":FREQ:ARM:STAR:SOUR IMM"); /* These 3 lines enable the */
sendhp(":FREQ:ARM:STOP:SOUR TIM"); /* time arming mode with a */
sendhp(":FREQ:ARM:STOP:TIM .1"); /* 0.1 second gate time */