Chapter 3 Programming Your Universal Counter for Remote Operation
Elements of SCPI Commands
3-10 Programming Guide
Examine the portion of the [:SENSe] subsystem shown below:
:SOURce EXTernal
The root-level keyword [:SENSe] is an optional keyword. To set the Counter ’s
frequency stop arm to external, you can use either of the following:
Implied Channel (Optional Numeric Keyword Suffix)
Some commands allow specifying a channel with an optional numeric keyword
suffix. These commands will show the channel numbers within square brackets.
The brackets are not part of the command and are not sent to the Counter.
For example, :INPut[1|2]:COUPling AC | DC represents coupling commands for
channels 1 and 2:
:INPut[1]:COUPling AC | DC
:INPut2:COUPling AC | DC
If you do not specify the channel number, the implied channel is 1. For example,
you can send either of the following to configure
channel 1’s coupling to AC:
:INPut1:COUPling AC
:INPut:COUPling AC