Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-83
[:SENSe]:EVENt[1|2]:LEVel[:ABSolute]:AUTO <Boolean>
Sets or queries the “auto-trigger“ enable.
When AUTO is set to ON, the Counter automatically measures and computes a
trigger level which corresponds to the auto-trigger percentage (specified with
[:SENS]:EVEN[1|2]:LEV:REL) of the specified channel.
While the enable is set to ON, the Counter will measure and compute the
measurement channel(s) trigger level(s) each time :INIT or :INIT:CONT ON is
executed. Also, for each measurement, while the enable is set to ON, the Counter
will check that the measurement signal(s) are triggering—if no triggering is found,
the Counter will measure and compute new trigger level(s).
• Single ASCII-encoded byte, 0 or 1.
• A value of 0 indicates OFF; a value of 1 indicates ON.
• *RST: ON
• Explicitly selecting a trigger level (with [:SENS]:EVEN[1|2]:LEV[:ABS])
turns AUTO OFF.
<numeric_value> [PCT]
Sets or queries the percentage of the peak-to-peak range of the signal at which the
instrument auto triggers .
If [:SENS]:EVEN[1|2]:LEV[:ABS]:AUTO is ON, then when this command
executes, the Counter automatically measures and computes a trigger level
corresponding to the specified percentage of the specified channel.
0 to 100 PCT
10 PCT
• Numeric data transferred as ASCII bytes in <NR1> format.
Query Response
Query Response