Chapter 4 Command Reference
[:SENSe] Subsystem
4-88 Programming Guide
<numeric_value> [HZ]
Sets or queries the approximate frequency of a signal you expect to measure.
Providing this value enables the Counter to eliminate a
pre-measurement step, saving measurement time and enabling more accurate
arming. This applies to the following measurement functions: Frequency, Period,
Ratio, Phase, and Duty Cycle.
Note that the actual frequency of the input signal must be within
10 % of the expected frequency value you entered.
• For channels 1 and 2, the frequency range is 0.1 to 225E6 HZ
• For channel 3 (Option 030), the frequency range is 100E6 to 3E9 HZ
• For channel 3 (Option 050), the frequency range is 200E6 to 5E9 HZ
• Numeric data transferred as ASCII bytes in <NR3> format with fifteen
significant digits.
• If [:SENS]:FREQ:EXP[1|2|3]:AUTO is ON, Not a Number 9.91E37 is
returned and error -221 is generated.
This value is unaffected by save/recall.
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:EXPected[1|2|3]:AUTO ON
The command, which only allows the ON parameter, configures the Counter to
perform, as necessary, a pre-measurement step to automatically determine the
approximate frequency of the measurement signal(s). This applies to the following
measurement functions: Frequency, Period, Ratio, Phase, and Duty Cycle.
The query indicates whether or not the above described
pre-measurement step is enabled.
• Single ASCII-encoded byte, 0 or 1.
• A value of 0 indicates OFF; a value of 1 indicates ON.
Query Response
Query Response