Chapter 4 Command Reference
:STATus Subsystem
4-108 Programming Guide
:STATus:OPERation:ENABle <non-decimal numeric> | <NRf>
Sets or queries the Operation Event Status Enable Register.
The parameter and query response value, when rounded to an integer value and
expressed in base 2 (binary), represents the bit values of the Operation Event
Status Enable Register. The value of unused bits is zero when queried and ignored
when set.
This register is used to enable a single or inclusive OR group of Operation Event
Status Register events to be summarized in the Status Byte Register (bit 7).
The range for the <non-decimal numeric> or <NRf> parameter is
0 to 65,535.
Numeric data transferred as ASCII bytes in <NR1> format.
• At power-on and :STAT:PRES, the Operation Event Status Enable Register is
cleared (value is 0).
• This value is unaffected by *RST and save/recall.
Queries the status of the Operation Event Status Register.
The Operation Event Status Register captures changes in conditions by having
each event bit correspond to a specific condition bit in the Operation Condition
Status Register. An event becomes TRUE when the associated condition makes
the transition specified by the transition filters. The event bits, once set, are
“sticky.” That is, they cannot be cleared, even if they do not reflect the current
status of a related condition, until they are read.
• Numeric data transferred as ASCII bytes in <NR1> format.
• Range is 0 to 65,535.
• The query response value is an integer formed by the
binary-weighting of bits. The value of unused bits is zero.
The Operation Event Status Register is cleared by *CLS, by
:STAT:OPER[:EVEN]?, and at power-on.
Query Response
Query Response