Chapter 2 Command Summary
Front Panel to SCPI Command Maps
Programming Guide 2-21
IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
The Common Commands are general purpose commands that are common to all
instruments (as defined in IEEE 488.2). Common Commands are easy to
recognize because they all begin with an “*” (for example, *RST, *IDN?, *OPC ).
These commands are generally not related to measurement configuration. They are
used for functions like resetting the instrument, identification, or synchronization.
Table 2-1 lists the Common Commands in alphabetical order by mnemonic, name
and function. More information concerning the operation of IEEE 488.2 status
reporting commands and structure can be found in the “Status Reporting” section
of Chapter 3. Standard explanations of the IEEE 488.2 Common commands can
be found in the ANSI/IEEE Std. 488.2-1987, IEEE Standard Codes, Formats,
Protocols, and Common Commands document.