Chapter 3 Programming Your Universal Counter for Remote Operation
Status Reporting
3-34 Programming Guide
• Bit 10 (Out of Limit Event) is an event bit indicating the last
measurement limit tested was “out of limit.”
Each and every time a measurement is limit tested and found to be out of
limit, this event will be reported.
Note that this bit is not representing a condition. Therefore, the transition
filters have no effect on this bit.
The Counter does not monitor the condition indicating whether the last
measurement was in or out of limit. Hence, the Out of Limit Event bit
does NOT represent the transition from an “in limit measurement” to “out
of limit measurement.”
• Bits 11–13 are not used.
• Bit 14 (Command Warning) is an event bit indicating a command, such
as CONFigure or MEASure, ignored a parameter during execution.
Since this is an event bit, the transition filters have no effect on this bit.
• Bit 15 is not used.