
3. Input/Output Signals
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(2) Data area
Even with commands that handle data (numerical values) during the MOV command, etc., the bit
area must be separated by 64 points or more and the data register (D) and file register (R)
separated by four registers or more.
Example) Use D0 to D896 for main processing
Use D900 to D1023 for high speed processing
3.4.2 Separation of Remote I/O Output
When handling high speed output during the high speed process, the main processing output and
high speed processing output cannot be used together in the same remote I/O unit (32 points in
channel No. setting rotary switch). A separate 32 points for high speed processing output or a
16-point remote I/O unit will be required.
MOV commands, etc., that extend over differing remote I/O units must not be enforced during either
main processing or high speed processing. If these must be enforced, the channel No. setting rotary
switch for the output unit used in the main processing and the output unit used for the high speed
processing must be set 1 or more apart.
Separate by four registers or more