3.3 Computer Link Parameters
II - 19
3.3 Computer Link Parameters
# Item Contents Setup range (unit)
9601 BAUD RATE Specify the rate at which data is transferred. 0: 19200 (bps)
1: 9600
2: 4800
3: 2400
4: 1200
5: 600
6: 300
7: 110
8: 38400
9602 STOP BIT Specify stop bit length used in start-stop mode. See
"PARITY EFFECTIVE" in #9603. The number of
characters is adjusted in output mode so that no
problems occur if the parity check is enabled.
1: 1
2: 1.5
3: 2
9603 PARITY EFFECTIVE This parameter is set when using a parity bit
separately from the data bit.
Start bit
Data bit
b1 b2 b3b4 b5 b6
1 character
Stop bit
Parity bit
Set this to match the input/output device
0: No parity bit used in
I/O mode
1: Parity bit used in I/O
9604 EVEN PARITY Specify whether even or odd parity is used when
parity is used. This parameter is ignored when no
parity is used.
0: Odd parity
1: Even parity
9605 CHR. LENGTH Specify data bit length.
See "PARITY EFFECTIVE" in #9603.
2: 7
3: 8
9606 HAND SHAKE RS-232C transmission control mode
DC control mode should be set for computer line B.
0: No control
1: RTS/CTS method
2: No handshaking
3: DC control mode
9607 TIME-OUT SET Specify time-out time at which an interruption of
data transfer during data input/output should be
If 0 is set, time infinity is specified.
0 to 999 (1/10s)
9608 DATA CODE Specify the code to be used.
See "PARITY EFFECTIVE" in #9603.
0: ASCII code
1: ISO code