
GNS 530(A) Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00181-00 Rev. E
Selecting a COM frequency for a nearby
flight service station (FSS) or center
1) Turn the large
right knob to select the NRST
Page Group.
2) Turn the small right knob to select the Nearest
Center or Nearest Flight Service Page (Figure
Figure 2-7 Nearest ARTCC Page
3) Press the small right knob momentarily to
place the cursor on the page.
4) Turn the large right knob to highlight the
FSS/ARTCC frequency.
5) Press the
ENT Key to place the frequency in
the standby field of the COM Window.
Selecting a COM frequency for any airport
in the flight plan:
1) Select the NAV/COM Page from the NAV Page
Group. (Section 3.1, or press and hold the CLR
Key, then turn the small right knob until the
NAV/COM Page appears.)
2) Press the small
right knob to place the cursor
on the airport identifier field. To the left of this
field appears Departure, Enroute, or Arrival,
depending on the placement of the displayed
airport within the flight plan.
3) Turn the small right knob to display a window
(Figure 2-8) listing the airports in the flight
plan. Continue turning the small
right knob
to select the desired airport.
Figure 2-8 NAV/COM Page ‘Airport’ Window
4) Press the ENT Key to return to the NAV/COM
Page with the frequencies for the selected
5) Turn the large right knob to highlight the
desired frequency.
6) Press the ENT Key to place the highlighted
frequency in the standby COM Window field.