GNS 530(A) Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00181-00 Rev. E
3) ‘Review Airspace?’ should already be
highlighted, if not select it with the small
right knob. Press the ENT Key to display the
Airspace Information Page for the selected
4) To display the COM frequency(ies) for the
controlling agency, turn the large right knob to
highlight ‘Frequencies?’ and press the ENT Key.
Press the
CLR Key to return to the Airspace
Information Page.
5) Press the CLR Key to exit the Airspace
Information Page.
Map Setup
Many of the GNS 530’s functions are menu driven.
Each of the main pages has an options menu, allowing
customization of the corresponding page to the pilot’s
preferences and/or selection of special features which
specifically relate to that page. A Map Page Menu (Figure
3-17) provides additional settings to customize the Map
Page and additional features related specifically to the
Map Page.
Displaying the Map Page Menu:
Press the MENU Key with the Map Page
displayed (Figure 3-17).
Figure 3-17 Map Page Menu
The following options are available: ‘Setup Map?’,
‘Measure Dist?’, ‘Data Fields Off?’, ‘Change Fields?’, and
‘Restore Defaults?’.
‘Setup Map?’ allows configuration of the Map Display
to individual preferences, including map orientation,
land data enable/disable, Jeppesen data enable/disable,
automatic zoom, airspace boundaries, and text size.
NOTE: Large, medium, and small classifications
are used on the GNS 530 for airports and cities.
Large airports are those with a runway longer
than 8100 feet. Medium airports include those
with a runway longer than 5000 feet or with
a control tower. Large cities are those with
approximate populations greater than 200,000
and medium cities with greater than 50,000.
The following settings are available for each group:
Map Orientation, AutoZoom, Land Data,
Aviation Data
Lightning Mode/Symbol
(when applicable)
Traffic Traffic Mode/Symbol/Label
(when applicable)
Airport Large/Medium/Small Airports and
NAVAID VORs, NDBs, Intersections, and Text
Waypoint User Waypoints, Waypoint Text,
Flight Plan Wpts
Line Active Flight Plan, Lat/Long
Control Controlled Airspace: Class B, C, D
(tower zone)
Airspace Special-Use Airspace: Restricted,
MOA, Other
City Large/Medium/Small Cities and Text
Road Freeway, National Highway, Local
Hwy, Local Road
Other States/Prov, Rivers/Lakes, Railroads,
Wind Vector