Changing a Module or Program
The information in this listing can help you diagnose problems if the binding was
not successful, or give feedback about what the binder encountered in the process.
You may want to store the listing for an ILE program in the file where you store the
modules or the module source for a program. To copy this listing to a database file,
you can use the Copy Spool File (CPYSPLF) command.
Note: The CRTBNDRPG command will not create a binder listing. However, if any
binding errors occur during the binding phase, the errors will be noted in
your job log, and the compiler listing will include a message to this effect.
For an example of a basic binder listing, see “Sample Binder Listing” on page 100.
For more information on binder listings see
ILE Concepts
Table 8. Sections of the Binder Listing based on DETAIL Parameter
Command Option Summary X X X
Brief Summary Table X X X
Extended Summary Table X X
Binder Information Listing X X
Cross-Reference Listing X
Binding Statistics X
Changing a Module or Program
An ILE object may need to be changed for enhancements or for maintenance
reasons. You can isolate what needs to be changed by using debugging informa-
tion or the binder listing from the CRTPGM command. From this information you
can determine what module needs to change, and often, what procedure or field
needs to change.
In addition, you may want to change the optimization level or observability of a
module or program. This often happens when you want to debug an program or
module, or when you are ready to put a program into production. Such changes
can be performed more quickly and use fewer system resources than re-creating
the object in question.
Finally, you may want to reduce the program size once you have completed an
application. ILE programs have additional data added to them which may make
them larger than a similar OPM program.
Each of the above requires different data to make the change. The resources you
need may not be available to you for an ILE program.
The following sections tell you how to
Update a program
Change the optimization level
Change observability
Reduce the object size
86 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide