Stepping Through the Program Object
Display Module Source
Program: RPGPGM Library: MYLIB
1 *===============================================================
2 * RPGPGM - Program called by DEBUGEX to illustrate the STEP
3 * functions of the ILE source debugger.
4 *
5 * This program receives a parameter InputParm from DEBUGEX,
6 * displays it, then returns.
7 *===============================================================
9 D InputParm S 4P 3
12 C PARM InputParm
13 C InputParm DSPLY
Debug . . . _________________________________________________________________
F3=End program F6=Add/Clear breakpoint F10=Step F11=Display variable
F12=Resume F17=Watch variable F18=Work with watch F24=More keys
Step completed at line 13.
Figure 94. Stepping into RPGPGM
If the ILE source debugger is not set to accept OPM programs, or if there is no
debug data available, then you will see a blank Display Module Source display with
a message indicating that the source is not available. (An OPM program has debug
data if it was compiled with OPTION(*SRCDBG) or OPTION(*LSTDBG).)
Example of Stepping Into a Subprocedure
In this example, you use the F22 (Step Into) to step into the subprocedure Switch,
which is in the module DEBUGEX.
1. Ensure that the Display Module Source display shows the source for DBGEX.
2. To set an unconditional breakpoint at line 120, which is the last runnable state-
ment before the CALLP operation, type Break 120 and press Enter.
3. Press F3 (End program) to leave the Display Module Source display.
4. Call the program. The program stops at breakpoint 119.
5. Press F22 (Step into). The call statement is run and then the display moves to
the subprocedure, as in Figure 95 on page 199. The first runnable statement
of RPGPGM is processed (line 13) and then processing stops.
198 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide