Valid values depend on the current version, release, and modification level,
and they change with each new release. If you specify a
is earlier than the earliest release level supported by this command, an
error message is sent indicating the earliest supported release.
| Note: The current version of the command may support options that are not
| available in previous releases of the command. If the command is used
| to create objects that are to be used on a previous release, it will be
| processed by the compiler appropriate to that release, and any unsup-
| ported options will not be recognized. The compiler will not necessarily
| issue any warnings regarding options that it is unable to process.
Specifies how the ILE RPG module will be allowed to use records containing
null-capable fields from externally described database files.
Specifies that the ILE RPG module will not process records with null-value
fields from externally-described files. If you attempt to retrieve a record con-
taining null values, no data in the record is accessible to the ILE RPG
module and a data-mapping error occurs.
Specifies that the ILE RPG module can successfully read records with null-
capable fields containing null values from externally-described input-only
database files. When a record containing null values is retrieved, no data-
mapping errors occur and the database default values are placed into any
fields that contain null values. The module cannot do any of the following:
use null-capable key fields
create or update records containing null-capable fields
determine whether a null-capable field is actually null while the module
is running
set a null-capable field to be null.
Specifies that the ILE RPG module can read, write, and update records
with null values from externally-described database files. Records with null
keys can be retrieved using keyed operations. The module can determine
whether a null-capable field is actually null, and it can set a null-capable
field to be null for output or update. The programmer is responsible for
ensuring that fields containing null values are used correctly within the
Specifies the list of binding directories that are used in symbol resolution.
No binding directory is specified.
Specify the name of the binding directory used in symbol resolution.
The directory name can be qualified with one of the following library values:
418 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide