Converting Your Source
Enter the name of the source member to be converted.
The command converts all the members in the source file specified.
Enter the generic name of members having the same prefix in their names
followed by a '*' (asterisk). The command converts all the members having
the generic name in the source file specified. For example, specifying
FROMMBR(PR*) will result in the conversion of all members whose names
begin with 'PR'.
(See the CL Programmer's Guide for more information on the generic
Specifies the name of the source file that contains converted source members
and the library where the converted source file is stored. The converted source
file must exist and should have a record length of 112 characters: 12 for the
sequence number and date, 80 for the code and 20 for the comments.
The default source file QRPGLESRC contains the converted source
No converted member is generated. The TOMBR parameter value is
ignored. CVTRPT(*YES) must also be specified or the conversion will end
This feature allows you to find some potential problems without having to
create the converted source member.
Enter the name of the converted source file that contains the converted
source member(s).
The TOFILE source file name must be different from the FROMFILE source
file name if the TOFILE library name is the same as the FROMFILE library.
The system searches the library list to find the library where the converted
source file is stored.
The current library is used to find the converted source file. If you have not
specified a current library, then the library QGPL is used.
Enter the name of the library where the converted source file is stored.
Specifies the name(s) of the converted source member(s) in the converted
source file. If the value specified on the FROMMBR parameter is *ALL or
generic*, then TOMBR must be equal to *FROMMBR.
The member name specified in the FROMMBR parameter is used as the
converted source member name. If FROMMBR(*ALL) is specified, then all
Appendix B. Using the RPG III to RPG IV Conversion Aid 385