
processing methods
sequential only 293, 304
sequential-by-key 293
sequential-within-limits 300
WORKSTN file 335, 341
abnormal ending 153
advanced ILE 30
binding modules 81
calling 127, 128
calling using expressions 134
calling using the CALL operation 148
calling using the CALLP operation 133
changing 86
changing optimization level 87
changing while debugging 175
different debug views 176
effect of debug data on size 166
ending 109
entering source 51
entering SQL statements 55
example 6
freeing resources 112
internal structure 81
mixed-language 29
general creation strategy 27
normal ending 152
creation method 23
effect of ILE 24
example 24
program creation strategy 23, 31
passing parameters 131
preparing for debugging 166
program entry procedure 81
reducing size 88
related CL commands 85
removing observability 88
returning from 152
returning without ending 154
running 103
running from a menu-driven application 106
running in the OPM default activation group 111
running using a user-created command 108
setting watch conditions 188
single-language 28
effect of ILE 26
stepping into 196
stepping over 195
stepping through 194
updating 87
viewing source while debugging 174
program activation 109
program creation
coding considerations 45, 46
program creation
examples of 59, 60, 61, 84
creating 23
strategy to avoid 31
strategies for 23
CRTPGM command 82
ILE application using CRTRPGMOD 27
OPM-compatible 23
strategy to avoid 31
using CRTBNDRPG 25
using the one-step process 57
program cycle
commitment control 312
fetch overflow logic 320
general description 4
last cycle 5
program-described file
as DISK file 288
as WORKSTN file 338, 339, 340
definition 263
physical and logical files 281
valid search arguments 288
program entry procedure (PEP)
and the call stack 129
definition 81
determining 82
program exception/error subroutine
description 232
example 232
program exception/errors
avoiding a loop 235
definition 220
example 232, 238
using a *PSSR subroutine 232
program management 19
program name
*FROMMBR parameter 385
program status data structure
example 150, 232
using in an error subroutine 232
program/procedure call
abnormal program/procedure end 153
call stack 129
calling bindable APIs 155
calling graphics 156
calling procedures 128
calling programs 128
calling special routines 157
fixed-form call 148
free-form call 133, 134
interlanguage calls 146
normal program/procedure end 152
overview 127
parameter passing methods 135
458 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide