ILE Application Using CRTRPGMOD
with programs in different activation groups. If you want to share a
file across activation groups, you must open it at the job level by
specifying SHARE(*YES) on an override command or create the
file with SHARE(*YES).
Errors When you call an ILE RPG program or procedure in the same acti-
vation group, if it gets an exception that would previously have
caused it to display an inquiry message, now your calling program
will see that exception first.
If your calling program has an error indicator or *PSSR, the
program or procedure that got the exception will end abnormally
without the inquiry message being displayed. Your calling program
will behave the same (the error indicator will be set on or the
*PSSR will be invoked).
When you call an OPM program or a program or main procedure
in a different activation group, the exception handling will be the
same as in OPM RPG, with each program handling its own
exceptions. The messages you see may have new message IDs,
so if you monitor for a specific message ID, you may have to
change that ID.
Each language processes its own errors and can process the
errors that occur in modules written in another ILE language. For
example, RPG will handle any C errors if an error indicator has
been coded. C can handle any RPG errors.
Related Information
Converting to RPG IV “Converting Your Source” on page 382
One-step creation process Chapter 6, “Creating a Program with the
CRTBNDRPG Command” on page 57
Activation groups “Managing Activation Groups” on page 109
RCLRSC “Reclaim Resources Command” on
page 112
ILE static binding Chapter 10, “Calling Programs and
Procedures” on page 127; also
ILE Con-
Exception handling differences “Differences between OPM and ILE RPG
Exception Handling” on page 222
Override and open scope “Overriding and Redirecting File Input and
Output” on page 273 and “Sharing an Open
Data Path” on page 277; also
ILE Concepts
Strategy 3: ILE Application Using CRTRPGMOD
This strategy allows you to fully utilize the concepts offered by ILE. However, while
being the most flexible approach, it is also more involved. This section presents
three scenarios for creating:
A single-language application
A mixed-language application
Chapter 3. Program Creation Strategies 27