Reading Syntax Diagrams
Appendix C. The Create Commands
This section provides information on:
Using CL commands
Syntax diagram and description of CRTBNDRPG
Syntax diagram and description of CRTRPGMOD
For information on the Create Program and Create Service Program commands,
see the
CL Reference (Abridged)
Using CL Commands
Control Language (CL) commands, parameters, and keywords can be entered
in either uppercase or lowercase characters. In the syntax diagram they are shown
in uppercase (for example, PARAMETER, PREDEFINED-VALUE). Variables
appear in lowercase italic letters (for example,
). Variables are
user-defined names or values.
How to Interpret Syntax Diagrams
The syntax diagrams in this book use the following conventions:
─ ─PARAMETER──(─ ──┬ ┬────────────────── ─user-defined-value──)───────────────────────────
Figure 213. Structure of a Syntax Diagram
Read the syntax diagram from left to right, and from top to bottom, following the
path of the line.
The ── symbol indicates the beginning of the syntax diagram.
The ── symbol indicates the end of the syntax diagram.
The ─── symbol indicates that the statement syntax is continued on the next line.
The ─── symbol indicates that a statement is continued from the previous line.
The ──(──)── symbol indicates that the parameter or value must be entered in
Required parameters appear on the base line and must be entered. Optional
parameters appear below the base line and do not need to be entered. In the fol-
lowing sample, you must enter REQUIRED-PARAMETER and a value for it, but
you do not need to enter OPTIONAL-PARAMETER or a value for it.
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