When numeric overflow is detected, a run time error is generated with error
code RNX0103.
Specifies whether decimal data that is not valid is fixed by the compiler.
Indicates that decimal data that is not valid will result in decimal data errors
during run time if used.
Zoned-decimal data that is not valid will be fixed by the compiler on the
conversion to packed data. Blanks in numeric fields will be treated as
zeroes. Each decimal digit will be checked for validity. If a decimal digit is
not valid, it is replaced with zero. If a sign is not valid, the sign will be
forced to a positive sign code of hex 'F'. If the sign is valid, it will be
changed to either a positive sign hex 'F' or a negative sign hex 'D', as
appropriate. If the resulting packed data is not valid, it will not be fixed.
Indicates that if packed decimal data that is not valid is encountered while
processing input specifications, the internal variable will be set to zero.
Specifies the release level of the operating system on which you intend to use
the object being created. In the examples given for the *CURRENT and *PRV
values, and when specifying the
value, the format VxRxMx is
used to specify the release, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx
is the modification level. For example, V2R3M0 is version 2, release 3, modifi-
cation level 0.
Valid values for this parameter change every release. The possible values are:
The object is to be used on the release of the operating system currently
| running on your system. For example, if V2R3M5 is running on the system,
| *CURRENT means that you intend to use the object on a system with
| V2R3M5 installed. You can also use the object on a system with any sub-
sequent release of the operating system installed.
Note: If V2R3M5 is running on the system, and the object is to be used
on a system with V2R3M0 installed, specify TGTRLS(V2R3M0), not
The object is to be used on the previous release with modification level 0 of
the operating system. For example, if V2R3M5 is running on your system,
*PRV means you intend to use the object on a system with V2R2M0
installed. You can also use the object on a system with any subsequent
release of the operating system installed.
Specify the release in the format VxRxMx. You can use the object on a
system with the specified release or with any subsequent release of the
operating system installed.
Appendix C. The Create Commands 417