Compiler Listings
| A d d i t i o n a l D i a g n o s t i c M e s s a g e s
| Msg id Sv Number Seq Message text
| *RNF7066 00 8 000800 Record-Format REC1 not used for input or output.
| *RNF7066 00 8 000800 Record-Format REC2 not used for input or output.
| *RNF7086 00 60 000004 RPG handles blocking for file INFILE. INFDS is updated only
| when blocks of data are transferred.
| *RNF7086 00 60 000004 RPG handles blocking for file OUTFILE. INFDS is updated
| only when blocks of data are transferred.
| * * * * * E N D O F A D D I T I O N A L D I A G N O S T I C M E S S A G E S * * * * *
Figure 218. Sample Additional Diagnostic Messages with OPTION(*NOSRCSTMT)
| If OPTION(*SRCSTMT) is specified, the messages will have only the statement
| number shown. Figure 219 shows an example.
| A d d i t i o n a l D i a g n o s t i c M e s s a g e s
| Msg id Sv Statement Message text
| *RNF7066 00 000800 Record-Format REC1 not used for input or output.
| *RNF7066 00 000800 Record-Format REC2 not used for input or output.
| *RNF7086 00 6000004 RPG handles blocking for file INFILE. INFDS is updated only
| when blocks of data are transferred.
| *RNF7086 00 6000004 RPG handles blocking for file OUTFILE. INFDS is updated
| only when blocks of data are transferred.
| * * * * * E N D O F A D D I T I O N A L D I A G N O S T I C M E S S A G E S * * * * *
Figure 219. Sample Additional Diagnostic Messages with OPTION(*SRCSTMT)
Output Buffer Positions
The Field Positions in Output Buffer Positions table is included in the listing when-
ever the source contains programmed-described Output specifications. For each
variable or literal that is output, the table contains the line number of output field
specification and its start and end positions within the output buffer. Literals that are
too long for the table are truncated and suffixed with '...' with no ending apos-
trophe (for example, 'Extremely long-litera...'). Figure 220 shows an example of an
Output Buffer Position table.
| O u t p u t B u f f e r P o s i t i o n s
| Line Start End Field or Constant
| Number Pos Pos
| 58 1 100 FLDY
| 59 101 132 FLDZ
| 60 133 156 GRAPHFLD
| * * * * * E N D O F O U T P U T B U F F E R P O S I T I O N * * * * *
Figure 220. Output Buffer Position Table
/COPY Member Table
The /COPY member table identifies any /COPY members specified in the source
and lists their external names. You can find the name and location of a member
using the Source ID number. The table is also useful as a record of what members
are used by the module/program. Figure 221 shows an example.
| / C o p y M e m b e r s
| Line Src RPG name <-------- External name -------> CCSID <- Last change ->
| Number Id Library File Member Date Time
| 39 5 MYCPY MYLIB QRPGLESRC MYCPY 37 98/07/24 16:20:04
| * * * * * E N D O F / C O P Y M E M B E R S * * * * *
Figure 221. Sample /COPY Member Table
432 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide