Special Characters
/COPY statement
conversion problems 389, 398
COPY debug view 168
in a conversion report 394
table in compiler listing 432
*CANCL 237
*DETC 237
*DETL 237
example 427
in compiler listing 431
*GETIN 237
sort sequence, SRTSEQ 414
language identifier, LANGID 415
sort sequence, SRTSEQ 414
*OFL 237
program exception/error subroutine
*TOTC 237
*TOTL 237
user profile, USRPRF 415
%ADDR (Get Address of Variable)
omitted parameters 140
%ADDR debug built-in 206
%INDEX debug built-in 206
%PARMS (Return Number of Parameters)
checking for number of parameters 141
%SUBSTR debug built-in
changing values 208
examples 207
%VARS debug built-in 206
01-99 indicators
displaying while debugging 204
in a sample formatted dump 257
abnormal program/procedure end 153
access path
example of 288
for externally described DISK file 282
for indexed file 288
ACTGRP parameter
CRTBNDRPG command 58, 419
CRTPGM command 82
ACTGRP parameter
specifying 110
using 60
activation group
*NEW 154
running in OPM default 111
specifying 111
definition 109
deleting 112
identifying 82, 110
managing 109
named 82
deleting 110
specifying 110
*NEW 82
ending 110
specifying 110
OPM default 111
QILE 82, 110
role in exception handling 218
activation, program 109
Add Reply List Entry (ADDRPLYE) command
adding to system reply list 108
adding objects to a debug session 172
additional diagnostic messages section of compiler
listing 431
ADDRPLYE command
Add Reply List Entry (ADDRPLYE) command
ALLOC (allocate storage) operation code 113
allocating storage for a run-time array 119
alternate collating sequence
debug considerations 183
ALWNULL parameter
See also
null value support
CRTBNDRPG command 58, 418
CRTRPGMOD command 74
analyzing your conversion 393
application programming interface (API)
application design
creating programs
Application Development Manager 13
Application Development ToolSet for AS/400 13
Application Dictionary Services 14
application programming interface (API)
calling non-bindable 128
Retrieve Message (QMHRTVM) API 157
area parameter for SPECIAL PLIST 328
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1999 443