Compiler Listings
Source Section
The source section shows records that comprise the ILE RPG source specifica-
tions. The root source member records are always shown. If OPTION(*EXPDDS) is
also specified, then the source section shows records generated from externally
described files, and marks them with a '=' in the column beside the line number.
These records are not shown if *NOEXPDDS is specified. If OPTION(*SHOWCPY)
is specified, then it also shows the records from /COPY members specified in the
source, and marks them with a '+' in the column beside the line number. These
records are not shown if *NOSHOWCPY is specified.
The source section also shows the conditional compilation process. All lines with
/IF, /ELSEIF, /ELSE and /ENDIF directives and source lines selected by the /IF
groups are printed and given a listing line number. If OPTION(*SHOWSKP) is spec-
ified, it shows all statements that have been excluded by the /IF, /ELSEIF, and
/ELSE directives, and marks them with a '-------' in the column beside the state-
ment. Line numbers in the listing are not incremented for excluded lines. All
skipped statements are printed exactly as specified, but are not interpreted in any
way. For example, an excluded statement with an /EJECT directive does not cause
a page break. Similarly, /SPACE, /TITLE, /COPY and /EOF compiler directives are
ignored if they are encountered in excluded lines. These statements are not shown
if the default OPTION(*NOSHOWSKP) is specified; instead a message is printed
giving the number of lines excluded.
The source section identifies any syntax errors in the source, and includes a match-
field table, when appropriate.
| If OPTION(*NOSRCSTMT) is specified, line numbers are printed sequentially on
| the left side of the listing to reflect the compiled source line numbers. Source IDs
| and SEU sequence numbers are printed on the right side of the listing to identify
| the source members and records respectively. For example, Figure 215 shows a
| section of the listing with a /COPY statement in line 35. In the root source member,
| the next line is a DOWEQ operation. In the listing, however, the DOWEQ operation
| is on line 39. The three intervening lines shown in the listing are from the /COPY
| source member.
| Line <--------------------- Source Specifications ----------------------------------------------><---- Comments ----> Src Seq
| Number ....1....+....2....+<-------- 26 - 35 -------->....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+...10 Id Number
| 34 C MOVE '123' BI_FLD1 001500
| 35 C/COPY MYCPY 971104 001600
| *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
| * RPG member name . . . . . : MYCPY * 5
| * External name . . . . . . : RPGGUIDE/QRPGLESRC(MYCPY) * 5
| * Last change . . . . . . . : 98/07/24 16:20:04 * 5
| * Text 'description' . . . . : Text on copy member * 5
| *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
| 36+C Blue(1) DSPLY 5000100
| 37+C Green(4) DSPLY 5000200
| 38+C Red(2) DSPLY 5000300
| 39 C *in20 doweq *OFF 001700
Figure 215. Sample Section of the Listing with OPTION(*NOSRCSTMT)
| If OPTION(*SRCSTMT) is specified, sequence numbers are printed on the left side
| of the listing to reflect the SEU sequence numbers. Statement numbers are printed
| on the right side of the listing. The statement number information is identical to the
| source ID and SEU sequence number information. For example, Figure 216 on
| page 427 shows a section of the listing that has a /COPY statement with sequence
| number 001600. The next line in the root source member is the same as the line
426 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide