configPrimary context:
the section called “crypto” (page 544)Related Commands
autorun (page 68)
Usage: crypto host-cert generate self-signed [START END CNAME OU ORG
crypto host-cert zeroize
crypto key generate <ssh [rsa] | cert [rsa] KEYSIZE | autorun-key [rsa]>
crypto key zeroize <ssh | cert | autorun>
Description: Install or remove authentication les for ssh or https server
or for autorun
o host-cert - operation on the https host certicate le. The host
certicate le cannot be created before the certicate
rsa key le has been created.
o key - operation on an ssh or https rsa key le.
o generate - install new key or self-signed certicate.
Note: installing a new key may be very slow in the rst few
minutes after booting the device.
o zeroize - remove an existing key or certicate le.
o self-signed - install new self-signed certicate.
o START - certicate will be valid beginning on this date.
o END - certicate will be valid until this date.
o CNAME - the name (IP address) of this device.
o OU - organizational unit or department.
o ORG - organization name.
o CITY - city or location.
o STATE - state or region.
o COUNTRY - two character ISO country code. Typing 'x<TAB>' will
provide a list of all valid country codes beginning with
the letter x.
o ssh - Install/remove host key for ssh server.
o cert - Install/remove rsa key for https certicate.
o autorun-key - Install/remove rsa key for autorun.
o rsa - optional keyword indicating key type (only rsa is available).
o KEYSIZE - for a certicate key, the size of the key desired.
Certicate keys may be 512, 768, or 1024 bits. (Ssh host
keys are always 896 bits.)
■ crypto host-cert -- Install/remove self-signed certificate for https. (p. 146)
■ generate -- Create a self-signed certificate for the https server. (p. 146)
■ self-signed -- Create a self-signed certificate for the https server. (p. 148)
■ start-date -- Validity start date for certificate. (MM/DD[/[YY]YY]) (p. 148)
■ end-date -- Validity end date for certificate. (MM/DD[/[YY]YY]) (p. 146)
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