Usage: [no] restrict IP-ADDR/MASK-LEN
Description: Prevent redistribution of routes via OSPF.
Next Available Option:
■ ip-addr -- Prevent redistribution of routes via OSPF (IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH) (p. 481)
■ router rip restrict
Usage: [no] restrict IP-ADDR/MASK-LEN
Description: Prevent redistribution of routes via RIP.
Next Available Option:
■ ip-addr -- Prevent redistribution of routes via RIP (IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH) (p. 481)
■ router ospf area OSPF-AREA-ID virtual-link IP-ADDR retransmit-interval < 1 to 3600 >
Set retransmit interval in seconds; the default is 5.
Range: < 1 to 3600 >
■ router ospf area backbone virtual-link IP-ADDR retransmit-interval < 1 to 3600 >
Set retransmit interval in seconds; the default is 5.
Range: < 1 to 3600 >
■ [no] router ospf rfc1583-compatibility
Usage: [no] rfc-1583-compatibility
Description: Enable/disable RFC-1583 compatibility. This controls the
preference rules used when choosing among multiple
AS-external-LSAs advertising the same destination. When RFC-1583
compatibility is disabled, the preference rules are those stated
in RFC-2328, which prevent routing loops when AS-external-LSAs
for the same destination have been originated from different
areas. In order to minimize the chance of routing loops, all OSPF
routers in an OSPF routing domain should have this parameter to
be identical. When there are routers present that have not been
updated with the functionality specied in RFC-2328, all routers
should have RFC-1583 compatibility enabled. Otherwise, all routers
should have RFC-1583 compatibility disabled, preventing routing
■ [no] router rip
Usage: [no] router rip [...]
Description: Enable/disable/congure Routing Internet Protocol (RIP)
on the device, or enter RIP Conguration Context.
Called without 'no', the command enables RIP on the device
486© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
routerCommand Line Interface Reference Guide