operatorPrimary context:
ping (page 392)Related Commands
traceroute6 (page 695)
Usage: ping6 <IPV6-ADDR|hostname>
[repetitions <1-10000>] [timeout <1-60>]
[data-size <0-65471>] [data-ll <0-1024>]
[source <IPV6-ADDR|VLAN-ID>]
Description: Send IPv6 ping request(s) to a device on the network.
o IPV6-ADDR - IPv6 address of device to ping.
o hostname - Hostname of device to which to send IPv6 ping.
o [repetitions <1-10000>] - Number of times to send ping; the default
value is 1.
o [timeout <1-60>] - Seconds within which a response is required
before the test is considered as failed; the default value is 5.
o [data-size <0-65471>] - Species the size of the data in the ICMP echo
packet; the default value is 0.
o [data-ll <1-10000>] - Species the data pattern to be lled in the
data of the ICMP echo packet; the default pattern is .
o [source <IPV6_ADDR|VLAN-ID>] - The source IPv6 address or VLAN.
■ ping6 data-fill -- Ping data fill string (size <0-1024>). (OCTET-STR) (p. 396)
■ ping6 data-size < 0 to 65471 > -- Ping data size <0-65471>. (NUMBER) (p. 396)
■ ping6 host-name -- Hostname of the device to ping. (ASCII-STR) (p. 396)
■ ping6 ipv6-addr -- IPv6 address of device to ping. (IPV6-ADDR) (p. 396)
■ ping6 repetitions < 1 to 10000 > -- Number of packets to send <1-10000>. (NUMBER) (p. 396)
■ ping6 source -- Source address or VLAN. (p. 396)
■ ip-addr -- Source IPv6 address. (IPV6-ADDR) (p. 396)
■ vlan -- Source VLAN. (VLAN-ID) (p. 397)
■ ping6 timeout < 1 to 60 > -- Ping timeout in seconds <1-60>. (NUMBER) (p. 397)
Example: ping6
Ping an IPv6 address:
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