
Usage: [no] ip access-group <ACL-ID> <in|out>
in Match packets this device will route to another VLAN
out Match packets this device will route onto this VLAN
vlan Match packets that originate within this VLAN
connection-rate-lter Manage new conection rates originating in this VLAN
Description: Apply the specied access control list on this VLAN interface.
The ACL can match either packets that are routed from this VLAN
to another VLAN, packets that will be routed from another VLAN
to this VLAN, packets that originate on this VLAN, or it can
manage new connection rates for virus throttling.Connection rate
lter ACLs should be applied as connection-rate-lter only.
Next Available Option:
direction < in | out | connection-rate-filter | ... > -- (p. 231)
[no] interface loopback < 0 to 7 > ip address
Usage: [no] ip address [IP-ADDR]
Description: Set IP parameters for communication within an IP network.
Each loopback Interface represents an IP interface having
its own unique conguration. The loopback interface
for which the conguration is applied can be specied
implicitly by preceding the phrase 'ip address' with the
'interface loopback <num>' keyword and argument. It
can also be called explicitly when called directly from a
Loopback context. In the latter case the command
affects the interface identied by the context.
o IP-ADDR- Assign an IP address to the loopback interface.
Multiple addresses may be congured on a single loopback interface.
Next Available Option:
ip-addr -- Interface IP address. (IP-ADDR) (p. 241)
[no] interface vlan VLAN-ID ip address
Usage: [no] ip address [dhcp-bootp|IP-ADDR/mask-LENGTH]
Description: Set IP parameters for communication within an IP network.
Each VLAN represents an IP interface having its own unique
conguration. The VLAN for which the conguration is
applied can be specied implicitly by preceding the
phrase 'ip address' with the 'vlan VLAN-ID' keyword and
argument. It can also be called explicitly when called
directly from a VLAN context. In the latter case the
command affects the VLAN identied by the context.
o dhcp-bootp - The switch attempts to get its conguration from a
216© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
interfaceCommand Line Interface Reference Guide