available parameters use 'ip igmp ?'. To get a detailed help
for a parameter, follow it with 'help' keyword.
Next Available Options:
■ querier -- Specify querier/non-querier capability for the VLAN(p. 306)
■ high-priority-forward -- Enable/disable the high priority forwarding of traffic for subscribed IP
Multicast groups(p. 300)
■ auto -- Instruct the device to monitor incoming multicast traffic on the specified ports (this is
the default behavior) ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 296)
■ blocked -- Instruct the device to drop incoming multicast packets received on the specified
ports ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 296)
■ fastleave -- Enables or disables IGMP Fast Leaves ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 299)
■ forcedfastleave -- When enabled, this feature forces IGMP Fast Leaves to occur even when the
port is cascaded ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 299)
■ forward -- Instruct the device to forward incoming multicast packets received on the specified
ports ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 300)
■ ip access-list resequence NAME < 1 to 2147483647 > < 1 to 2147483646 >
Specify the increment.
Range: < 1 to 2147483646 >
■ ip arp-age infinite
Causes the ARP timeout to be set to 0, indicating an innite
timeout period.
See ip source-binding command.
■ ip igmp querier interval < 5 to 300 >
Sets the interval in seconds between IGMP queries
(default: 125)
Range: < 5 to 300 >
■ ip timep dhcp interval < 1 to 9999 >
Specify how often (in minutes) the switch tries to get the current time.
Range: < 1 to 9999 >
■ ip timep manual IP-ADDR interval < 1 to 9999 >
Specify how often (in minutes) the switch tries to get the current time.
Range: < 1 to 9999 >
■ ip timep manual IPV6-ADDR interval < 1 to 9999 >
301© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
ipCommand Line Interface Reference Guide