
ip arp-age < 1 to 1440 >
Usage: [no] ip arp-age <[0..1440]|innite>
Description: Modify Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table entry timeout,
specied in minutes.
The default timeout is 20 minutes.
o <0..1440> - timeout specied in minutes.
o innite - sets the timeout to 0. A value of 0 indicates an innite
timeout to the switch.
Range: < 1 to 1440 >
ip ssh timeout < 5 to 120 >
Specify the maximum length of time (seconds) permitted for protocol negotiation and
Range: < 5 to 120 >
[no] ip timep
Usage: [no] ip timep [<dhcp|[manual <IP-ADDR | IPV6-ADDR>]> [interval <1-9999>]]
Description: Congure the method to acquire the Timep server address.
No additional parameters are required when 'no' is specied.
o <dhcp|manual> - The method the switch uses to acquire
the Timep server address: dhcp - from a DHCP server; manual - you
manually enter the Timep server address; disable (which is set by
specifying the 'no' parameter) - the switch will not attempt to get
its time from a Timep server.
o [interval <1-9999>] (default is 720) How often (in minutes) the
switch tries to get the current time.
o [server <IP-ADDR>] - The IPv4 address of the Timep server that the
switch gets the current time from.
o [server <IPV6-ADDR>] - The IPv6 address of the Timep server that the
switch gets the current time from.
Next Available Options:
dhcp -- Use DHCP to acquire Timep server address.(p. 297)
manual -- Manually configure the Timep server address.(p. 304)
[no] ip source-binding trap
311© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
ipCommand Line Interface Reference Guide