severity (p. 366)ip-address (p. 365)control-descr (p. 364)
system-module (p. 366)priority-descr (p. 365)facility (p. 364)
■ [no] logging IP-ADDR control-descr
Usage: [no] logging <IP-ADDR> [control-descr <text string>]
Description: A text string associated with the given IP-ADDr.
'no' replaces the string with a zero length string.
The length of the string is limited to 255 characters.
Next Available Option:
■ control-descr -- A text string associated with the given IP-ADDr (ASCII-STR) (p. 364)
■ logging IP-ADDR control-descr CONTROL-DESCR
Usage: [no] logging <IP-ADDR> [control-descr <text string>]
Description: A text string associated with the given IP-ADDr.
'no' replaces the string with a zero length string.
The length of the string is limited to 255 characters.
■ [no] logging facility < kern | user | mail | ... >
Usage: [no] logging facility <facility>
Description: Specify the syslog facility value that will be used
for all syslog servers. Syslog facility determines
where syslog servers should log the syslog message.
Supported Values:
■ kern
■ user
■ mail
■ daemon
■ auth
■ syslog
■ lpr
■ news
■ uucp
■ sys9
■ sys10
■ sys11
■ sys12
■ sys13
■ sys14
■ cron
■ local0
■ local1
■ local2
364© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
loggingCommand Line Interface Reference Guide