configPrimary context:
show spanning-tree (page 592)Related Commands
Usage: [no] spanning-tree [[ethernet] PORT-LIST ...]
[pending ...]
[instance ...]
[cong-name ASCII-STR]
[cong-revision <0-65535>]
[max-hops <1-40>]
[force-version <stp-compatible|rstp-operation|mstp-operation>]
[trap <errant-bpdu>]
[forward-delay <4-30>]
[hello-time <1-10>]
[maximum-age <6-40>]
[priority <<0-15>|<0-65535>>]
Description: Set the parameters for operation of the switch in a spanning tree
Note - the default spanning tree conguration complies with the
IEEE 802.1s, Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP), standard
recommended values and should not be changed without thorough
knowledge of spanning tree operation.
If 'no' is used the command disables the spanning tree operation.
Parameters are not allowed with 'no' option.
o ethernet PORT-LIST ... - Congure the port-specic parameters.
Use 'spanning-tree [ethernet] PORT-LIST ?' to get a list of all
possible conguration options, or 'spanning-tree [ethernet]
PORT-LIST help' to get a detailed help for this form of the command.
o force-version (default: native mode) - Set Spanning Tree protocol
compatibility mode on the device. Forces current protocol engine to
emulate behavior of earlier versions of spanning tree protocol or
operate in the native mode. The value of this parameter applies to
all ports of the switch.
o forward-delay <4-30> (default: 15) - Time (in seconds) the switch
waits between transitioning from listening to learning and from
learning to forwarding states.
o hello-time <1-10> (default: 2) - Time (in seconds) between messages
transmitted when the switch is root. The parameter is in force
for all switch ports in RSTP and STP modes. If the MSTP engine is
running this global value can be changed for individual ports.
o maximum-age <6-40> (default: 20) - Maximum message age (in seconds)
of received STP information before it is discarded.
0 bpdu-protection-timeout - The duration of time (in seconds) when a
protected port affected by receiving of an unauthorized BPDU will
remain in down state. The zero value means innity.
637© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.