Blink the locate led
Next Available Option:
■ duration < 1 to 1440 > -- Number of minutes duration (default 30). (NUMBER) (p. 499)
■ services SLOT-ID locator on < 1 to 1440 >
Number of minutes duration (default 30).
Range: < 1 to 1440 >
■ services SLOT-ID locator blink < 1 to 1440 >
Number of minutes duration (default 30).
Range: < 1 to 1440 >
■ services SLOT-ID INTEGER
Index of the services CLI to access.
■ services SLOT-ID locator
Control services module locator LED.
Next Available Options:
■ on -- Turn the locate led on(p. 499)
■ off -- Turn the locate led off(p. 499)
■ blink -- Blink the locate led(p. 498)
■ services SLOT-ID name NAME
Name of the services CLI to access.
■ services SLOT-ID locator off
Turn the locate led off
■ services SLOT-ID locator on
Turn the locate led on
Next Available Option:
■ duration < 1 to 1440 > -- Number of minutes duration (default 30). (NUMBER) (p. 499)
499© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
servicesCommand Line Interface Reference Guide