■ KMS (Key Management System)
Advanced Traffic Management Guide
Use the Advanced Traffic Management Guide for information on:
■ VLANs: Static port-based and protocol VLANs, and dynamic GVRP VLANs
■ Spanning-Tree: 802.1D (STP), 802.1w (RSTP), and 802.1s (MSTP)
■ Meshing
■ Quality-of-Service (QoS)
■ QinQ
Multicast and Routing Guide
Use the Multicast and Routing Guide for information on:
■ PIM (SM and DM)
■ IP routing
IPv6 Configuration Guide
Use the IPv6 Configuration Guide for information on:
■ Migrating to IPv6
■ IPv6 Configuration and Management
■ IPv6 Security
■ IPv6 ACLs
■ IPv6 Troubleshooting
■ IPv6 Scalability
The commands and page numbers in this guide are hyperlinked in blue to allow you to easily navigate
to the desired command detail. Hyperlinked areas are:
■ Overview: Related commands section
■ Command Structure
■ Command Details summary listing
■ Next Available Options within individual command options and parameters
■ Page numbers displayed with commands
When the hand cursor is positioned over a blue hyperlinked area, the hand displays a pointing finger.
Left-click once to go the the indicated command. Additionally, the Command Details section lists the
commands in alphabetical order.
Navigating Printed Copy
If you are using a printed copy of this guide, use the page numbers displayed at the end of a command,
option, or parameter to go to the desired command detail.
Traversing the Command Structure
The commands shown in the Command Structure section of a chapter mimic the command
organization of the switch. For example, if you select the command "aaa", one of the next command
options is "accounting". The next available option under accounting is "commands". The Command
18© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
IntroductionCommand Line Interface Reference Guide