■ mac-address-count -- Mac address count.
■ mac-moves -- MAC Moves.
■ pkts-to-closed-ports -- Packets to closed TCP/UDP ports.
■ port-auth-failures -- Port authentication failures.
■ system-resource-usage -- System resource usage.
■ system-delay -- System Delay.
Next Available Options:
■ threshold-value < low | med | high > -- Set the threshold Value. (p. 203)
■ limitValue < 1 to 2147483647 > -- Set the threshold Value. (NUMBER) (p. 200)
■ instrumentation memory < 1 to 255 >
Usage: instrumentation memory <sizeInMB>
Description: Sets the maximum size in MB which may be used by
instrumentation. Decreasing the size will result in the loss
of previuosly collected data.
Range: < 1 to 255 >
■ instrumentation monitor < all | arp-requests | ip-address-count | ... > < low | med | high >
Set the threshold Value.
Supported Values:
■ low -- Low threshold.
■ med -- Medium threshold.
■ high -- High threshold.
■ [no] instrumentation monitor trap
Enables/Disables SNMP trap generation.
203© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
instrumentationCommand Line Interface Reference Guide