■ show svlans
Usage: show vlans [VLAN-ID|ports [ethernet] PORT-LIST]
Description: Show status information for all VLANs.
If a 'VLAN-ID' is specied, shows the ports that are currently
members of the VLAN identied by the 'VLAN-ID'.
If a 'PORT-LIST' is specied, shows all the VLANs of which
at least one port in the 'PORT-LIST' is a member.
Next Available Options:
■ vlan -- Show detailed VLAN information for the VLAN with the ID supplied. (VLAN-ID) (p. 603)
■ ports -- Show VLANs that have at least one port from the 'PORT-LIST' as a member. ([ethernet]
PORT-LIST) (p. 580)
■ show system
Usage: show system [information|power-supplies|temperature|fans]
Description: Show global congured and operational system paramaters
(default is information).
Next Available Options:
■ information -- Show global configured and operational system parameters(p. 557)
■ temperature -- Show systems temperatures and settings(p. 598)
■ power-supply -- Show Chassis Power Supply info and settings(p. 582)
■ fans -- Show system fan status(p. 551)
■ fan-pref-airflow-dir -- Shows the user configured fan preferred airflow direction(p. 551)
■ show tacacs
Usage: show tacacs
Description: Show TACACS status and statistics.
■ show snmpv3 targetaddress
Show SNMPv3 Target Address table.
Next Available Option:
■ TARGETADDR-NAME -- Show a specifc target address entry. (ASCII-STR) (p. 597)
■ show snmpv3 targetaddress TARGETADDR-NAME
Show a specifc target address entry.
597© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
showCommand Line Interface Reference Guide