
Next Available Options:
anycast -- Address that is assigned to a set of interfaces that typically belong to different
nodes(p. 665)
eui-64 -- An IPv6 EUI-64 address that can be automatically configured on any interface(p. 667)
[no] svlan VLAN-ID jumbo
Usage: [no] jumbo
Description: Labels this VLAN as a Jumbo VLAN, allowing you to pass
packets up to 9220 bytes in size.
This is a VLAN context command. It can be called directly
from the VLAN context or follow the 'vlan VLAN-ID'
[no] svlan VLAN-ID ipv6 address IPV6-ADDR link-local
Congure a link-local IPv6 address.
svlan VLAN-ID monitor all < In | Out | Both > mirror
Mirror destination.
Next Available Options:
monitor_mirror_session_id < 1 to 4 > -- Mirror destination number.(p. 670)
mirror_session_name -- Mirror destination name.(p. 669)
[no] svlan VLAN-ID monitor all < In | Out | Both > mirror
Mirror destination name.
[no] svlan VLAN-ID monitor
Usage: 1) [no] monitor all <in|out|both> mirror <1-4 | NAME-STR>
[1-4 | NAME-STR]...
2) [no] monitor ip access-group <ACL-NAME> <in> mirror
<1-4 | NAME-STR> [1-4 | NAME-STR]...
Description: Dene either the VLAN is to be monitored or not.
The network trafc seen by the monitored VLAN is copied to
the Mirroring Destination to which a network analyzer can be
Note: When mirroring a VLAN in a busy network,
some frames may not be copied to the mirroring port.
This is an VLAN context command. It can be called directly
from the VLAN context or follow the 'vlan VLAN-ID command.
669© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
svlanCommand Line Interface Reference Guide