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Usage: [no] tacacs-server host IP-ADDR [key KEY-STR]
[no] tacacs-server key KEY-STR
tacacs-server timeout <1-255>
Description: Congure TACACS+ authentication servers.
The rst version of the command adds (or removes, if 'no' is
specied) a TACACS+ server to (from) the list of servers that
will be used for authentication. Up to 3 TACACS+ servers can be
congured. If 'key' is specied then this command also sets
(or removes) an encryption key used during the authentication
session with given server.
The second version sets (or removes, with 'no') the global
encryption key for TACACS+ authentication.
The last version sets the response timeout interval for
TACACS+ server.
o address IP-ADDR [key KEY-STR] - Species the IP address of the
server to use. Optional parameter 'key KEY-STR' species
an encryption key used during the authentication session with
given server. Specifying this key overrides the key set by
the global conguration 'tacacs-server key KEY-STR' command
for this server only.
o key KEY-STR - Up to 100 characters. Encryption key used for TACACS+
authentication. Default value is null, which means TACACS+
packets are sent using clear text. The KEY-STR parameter is
not allowed when a key is removed.
o timeout <1-255> - Sets the timeout interval in seconds the TACACS+
server must send response back to the switch.
If this interval expires and no response the next congured
server is queried. Default value is 5 seconds.
■ [no] tacacs-server host -- IP address of the server to use. (IP-ADDR) (p. 679)
■ key -- Encryption key to use with server. (p. 679)
■ key -- (ASCII-STR) (p. 679)
■ [no] tacacs-server key -- Global encryption key. (p. 679)
■ key -- (ASCII-STR) (p. 679)
■ tacacs-server timeout < 1 to 255 > -- Server timeout interval. (p. 679)
timeout (p. 679)key (p. 679)host (p. 679)
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