
remote-id < mac | subnet-ip | mgmt-ip > -- Set relay information option remote-id value to use.
(NUMBER) (p. 169)
[no] dhcp-snooping authorized-server
Usage: [no] dhcp-snooping authorized-server <IP-ADDR>
Description: Congure valid DHCP Servers.
For DHCP Snooping to allow a server to client packet
to be forwarded, it must be received on a trusted port
from a valid server. If no authorized servers are congured
all server addresses are valid. A maximum of 20 authorized
servers are supported.
o IP-ADDR - The Address of a trusted DHCP Server.
Next Available Option:
NONAME2 -- DHCP Server address. (IP-ADDR) (p. 168)
[no] dhcp-snooping database
Usage: [no] dhcp-snooping database [le ASCII-STR] [delay <15-86400>]
[timeout <0-86400>]
Description: Congure lease database transfer options.
No additional parameters are required when 'no' is specied.
o [le ASCI-STR] - File name in the form of a Universal Resource Locator.
The URL must be "tftp://IP-ADDR/ASCII-STR".
The max lename length is 63 characters.
o [delay <15-86400>] - Number of seconds to delay writing the database.
The default delay is 300 seconds
o [timeout <0-86400>] - Number of seconds to wait for the database le
transfer to nish before declaring an error.
A value of 0 means retry indenitely.
The default timeout is 300 seconds
Next Available Options:
file -- URL Format: "tftp://<ip-address>/<filename>". (ASCII-STR) (p. 168)
delay < 15 to 86400 > -- Seconds to delay writing to the lease database file.(p. 168)
timeout < 0 to 86400 > -- Seconds to wait for the transfer before failing.(p. 169)
167© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
dhcp-snoopingCommand Line Interface Reference Guide