configPrimary context:
Related Commands
Usage: [no] stack
[no] stack commander ASCII-STR
[no] stack join MAC-ADDR
[no] stack member INTEGER mac-address MAC-ADDR [password ASCII-STR]
[no] stack auto-join
[no] stack auto-grab
stack transmission-interval <1-300>
Description: Congure device to/from a stack - a group of devices manageable
as a single entity.
- 'stack' by itself enables stacking on the switch. The 'no' option
disables stacking.
- 'stack commander' congures the switch to be a 'commander switch'
given the name specied in the ASCII-STR parameter. The 'no'
option disables the commander function. The 'commander switch' can
be used as a single point of access for conguring and monitoring
all the switches in the stack.
- 'stack join' causes the switch, as a candidate switch, to join the
stack whose commander switch is identied by the MAC-ADDR
parameter. The 'no' option causes the switch to leave that stack.
- 'stack member' causes a candidate switch identied by the
MAC-ADDR to be an INTEGER-th member of this switch's stack in case
of this switch is a commander. The INTEGER number must be between
1 and 15 (0 is reserved for the commander switch). Password must
be supplied if the candidate switch has a manager password.
- 'stack auto-join' allows this switch, being a candidate, to
automatically join a stack. The 'no' option disables this feature.
- 'stack auto-grab' allows this switch, being a commander, to
automatically incorporate candidates. The 'no' option disables
this feature.
- 'stack transmission-interval' sets the transmission-interval (in
seconds) between the sending out of new discovery packets. The
default value is 60 seconds.
■ [no] stack auto-grab -- Configure commander to incorporate candidates (p. 656)
■ [no] stack auto-join -- Allow this switch to automatically join a stack (p. 656)
■ [no] stack commander -- Configure this switch to be a commander (ASCII-STR) (p. 656)
■ [no] stack join -- Join a stack as a member (MAC-ADDR) (p. 656)
■ [no] stack member -- Incorporate candidate into stack (p. 656)
■ mac-address -- MAC address of candidate (MAC-ADDR) (p. 656)
■ password -- Manager password of candidate (ASCII-STR) (p. 656)
■ stack transmission-interval < 1 to 300 > -- Transmission interval of HP discovery packets (p. 656)
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