Display new LSAs added to database.
■ [no] debug ip ospf packet LSR
Display LSR packets sent/received.
■ [no] debug ip ospf packet LSU
Display LSU packets sent/received.
■ [no] debug ipv6 nd
Display debug messages for IPv6 neighbor discovery.
■ [no] debug ip ospf
Display all OSPF routing messages.
Next Available Options:
■ adj -- Display adjacency changes.(p. 151)
■ event -- Display OSPF events.(p. 153)
■ flood -- Display information on flood messages.(p. 153)
■ lsa-generation -- Display new LSAs added to database.(p. 154)
■ packet -- Display packets sent/received.(p. 155)
■ retransmission -- Display retransmission timer messages.(p. 156)
■ spf -- Display path recalculation messages.(p. 156)
■ [no] debug dhcp-snooping packet
Display DHCP Snooping packet messages.
■ [no] debug ip packet
Display IPv4 packet messages.
■ [no] debug ip ospf packet
Display packets sent/received.
Next Available Options:
■ Hello -- Display Hello packets sent/received.(p. 153)
■ DD -- Display DD packets sent/received.(p. 152)
■ LSR -- Display LSR packets sent/received.(p. 155)
■ LSU -- Display LSU packets sent/received.(p. 155)
■ LSA -- Display LSA packets sent/received.(p. 154)
155© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
debugCommand Line Interface Reference Guide