The Inside Information On Juice
Although juice drinks are usually
developed with flavor, texture and aroma at
the forefront, the health benefits certainly
add to the pleasurable taste experience.
95% of the nutrient content of fruit and
vegetables is found in the juice. Liquids
extracted from fresh fruit and vegetables
form an important part of a well-balanced
diet. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are
an easy to make source of vitamins and
minerals. Juices are rapidly absorbed
into the blood stream therefore being the
quickest way in which the body can digest
When you make your own juices, you have
complete control over what you include
in them. You select the ingredients and
decide if you need to use sugar, salt or
other flavoring agents.
Freshly extracted juices should be
consumed just after they have been made
to avoid a loss of vitamin content.
Purchasing & Storage Of Fruit &
Always wash fruit and vegetables before •
Always use fresh fruit and vegetables for •
To save money and obtain fresher •
produce, purchase fruit or vegetables
that are in season.
Keep your fruit and vegetables ready for •
juicing by washing them before storing.
Most fruits and hardier type vegetables •
can be stored at room temperature. The
more delicate and perishable items such
as tomatoes, berries, leafy greens, celery,
cucumbers and herbs should be stored
in the refrigerator until required.
The Right Technique
When juicing a variety of ingredients
with varying textures start with the softer
textured ingredients on low speed then
change to high speed for harder texture
If you are juicing herbs, sprouts or leafy
green vegetables either wrap them
together to form a bundle or juice them in
the middle of a combination of ingredients
on low speed to obtain the best extraction.
If juicing herbs or leafy green
vegetables on their own, the juice
yield will be low due to the nature of
centrifugal juicing. It is advised to juice
then with a combination of other fruit
and vegetables.
All fruit and vegetables produce different
amounts of liquids. This varies within the
same group i.e. one batch of tomatoes
can produce more juice than another
batch. Since juice recipes are not exact,
the precise quantities of any juice are
not crucial to the success of a particular
To extract the maximum amount of
juice always push the Food Pusher
down slowly.